About Us

So you know how you and your friends are at a bar kinda buzzed and say "Let's open our own bar, we'd kill it!!!" ?

Well this is kinda like that except this group of friends happen to be Fashion industry veterans with a history of disrupting the industry’s outdated way of thinking.

SO that night at a bar in DTLA Society Vice was born!

A company we can call our own where EVERYONE wins. No corporate BS – we’re fueled by having pride in the products we sell, the respect we have for each other, our work ethics, our passions, our values, and...the fully stocked fridge of coronas!

Through our careers we have crossed paths at some of the best companies in the world. Many times what kept us at our companies was the support we had for each other. Going into each others office at 8pm to vent and ordering pizza because we knew we had to pull an all nighter to meet that deadline.

Now we've come together to blend our expertise in Customer Service, Design, Photography, Marketing, Finance, Data Science, and Operations.

We’re committed to making Society Vice the perfect cocktail for our customers.
